The 1st International Congress of Micro-Immunotherapy, which will be held in Palma de Mallorca between 18-20 May 2017, is proudly organised by:

Logo3IDI_100_78 Institut International de Micro-immunothérapie (Institut 3IDI): for France & French-speaking Switzerland
logoMEGEMIT2014_v2_100x75 Medizinische Gesellschaft für Mikroimmuntherapie (MeGeMIT): for Germany, Austria & German-speaking Switzerland
logoAEMI_2014_100x78 Asociación Española de Microinmunoterapia (AEMI): for Spain and Latin America

These three medical associations are dedicated to promoting the benefits of micro-immunotherapy, a treatment targeted at regulating immune function. To this end, they provide information on the principles and applications of this therapy and offer specialized training courses in this field.

With the organisation of the congress, the associations aim at bringing together scientists and practitioners from different countries in order to favour a better understanding of the functioning of the immune system and to recognize the potential of immunomodulatory approaches to the treatment of chronic diseases.

The coordinator of this congress is DIMI S.L. (Desarrollo Internacional de Microinmunoterapia), Spain.